Tom De Visscher
Tom De Visscher enjoys working on multiple projects at the same time. He is able to convey timeless stories with a formal and stylistic affinity. To him, a picture is only finished when the composition coordinates with the direction, and when the image touches the viewer and grabs him/her by the throat.
De Visscher graduated with the project Surreal Panoramas. This series demonstrates the artist as a director, seducer and genius in fanciful company. Centaurs, mermaids and models live in his images in which he himself appears in old-fashioned suits. The setting is packed with references to fairy-tale like and mythical images and breaths timelessness.
In his series Emotional Women De Visscher brings on women showing their sorrow and anger in a grotesque way. The esthetic theme all through this project is a rhythmical movement between alike colors and motives of background and clothing. Related to this project is his series Home Portraits, in which De Visscher shows men and women in the intimacy of their homes, nude or dressed in sleepwear. De Visscher’s work borders on the line between intimacy and voyeurism.
Interested in this artist and maybe willing to pose for him? Contact Tom De Visscher (
For the press article on the exposition Reborn Souvenirs, click the following link.20162101Herboren Souvenirs_Strandportetten