I AM HURT – Art in the Waiting Room
Chances are that you easily get annoyed when waiting at your doctor’s or care taker’s office. There are other people waiting as well and the uncertainty of the waiting time causes tension. Waiting can be stressful if you come for a specific update or for the results of an operation. The inevitable phenomenon of waiting situates itself in a mode between hope and fear.
Studies show that art relaxes. For example, classical music in the waiting room of a doctor minimizes stress, and certain scents can create a positive atmosphere of tranquility and trust.
Visual arts can function as the ultimate mirror. This brings us to the question of what kind of art is fitting for a waiting room. In general, hospitals select patient-friendly work with hospital eyes. Color and light are usually present, next to the television and photographs of landscapes. DAVID vzw, however, wants to see the presence of art in all its diversity.
In a well thought scenario, art of top artists could be on view. Abstract, figurative, sweet and heavy. Maybe while waiting, you’ll walk through an art gallery in the lobby of the hospital with a cup of coffee, meditate in silent rooms and on trails, or participate in a creative workshop.
Vertaling/Translation: Dylan Belgrado